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Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Assignment is FUN

People, actually students in school often feel bored and stressed because of many assignments from their teacher or lecturer. However, it is not usually happens.

In Sampoerna School of Education (SSE), assignments and final test are not only in paper pencil assignments/test, but many ways in grading the result of students' learning. One of those ways is submit for narration story, but not on paper, exactly making a movie to tell your story. That's exciting!

For you my friends, follow this "link" to enjoy my movie story telling.

Students' Research by Learning Webquest

Learning activity that have been doing by students is active learning activity. Many ways which can be applied by teachers for their students in class. Such as, making a simple game, doing an interesting assignment, etc. Now, students can be asked for doing a research by their self comprehension, how???


Webquest can be applied in teaching-learning activities, to give the students a way to do a research.
With webquest, teacher can make their teaching technique more variative, and the students can do their studying activity independently. 

Create your own webquest, click "here",
or, you can see this "webquest".

Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Experiences is the best teacher

I have been living for 20 years, until now. 20 years is not a short time. Maybe, so do you, Guys. Exactly, many experiences that can learned from our life, and they can inspired us in living this life to make it better.

So, in  this post, I will give you an advice in facing chalenges in your life.

First, you must make a plan for short or long time future, because a good plan is the beginning of the succesful life.

Secondly, prepare all of things that you need in dong your plan. If you want to support your plan, you must prepare your self, mental, and everything what you need.

Third, Do more!

Finally, you have to pray to God, because people can only try their best, and God will decide what is the best for us.

Guys, don't let any obstacles block up your action in  making your life better.

Keep smile, Guys! And make sure you can do!

Salam sukses!
Mas Majid